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Towards Safe Cyber Practices: Developing a Proactive Cyber-Threat Intelligence System for Dark Web Forum Content by Identifying Cybercrimes

School of IT, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Noida 201307, India
Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Noida 201313, India
Department of Computing and Informatics, Bournemouth University, Fern Barrow, Poole BH12 5BB, UK
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari, 09124 Cagliari, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 2 May 2023 / Revised: 11 June 2023 / Accepted: 12 June 2023 / Published: 18 June 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Machine Learning and Intelligent Information Systems)


The untraceable part of the Deep Web, also known as the Dark Web, is one of the most used “secretive spaces” to execute all sorts of illegal and criminal activities by terrorists, cybercriminals, spies, and offenders. Identifying actions, products, and offenders on the Dark Web is challenging due to its size, intractability, and anonymity. Therefore, it is crucial to intelligently enforce tools and techniques capable of identifying the activities of the Dark Web to assist law enforcement agencies as a support system. Therefore, this study proposes four deep learning architectures (RNN, CNN, LSTM, and Transformer)-based classification models using the pre-trained word embedding representations to identify illicit activities related to cybercrimes on Dark Web forums. We used the Agora dataset derived from the DarkNet market archive, which lists 109 activities by category. The listings in the dataset are vaguely described, and several data points are untagged, which rules out the automatic labeling of category items as target classes. Hence, to overcome this constraint, we applied a meticulously designed human annotation scheme to annotate the data, taking into account all the attributes to infer the context. In this research, we conducted comprehensive evaluations to assess the performance of our proposed approach. Our proposed BERT-based classification model achieved an accuracy score of 96%. Given the unbalancedness of the experimental data, our results indicate the advantage of our tailored data preprocessing strategies and validate our annotation scheme. Thus, in real-world scenarios, our work can be used to analyze Dark Web forums and identify cybercrimes by law enforcement agencies and can pave the path to develop sophisticated systems as per the requirements.

1. Introduction

There is a general perception that the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) are similar, but apparently, they are related but not synonymous. While the Internet is a network of networks, the WWW provides a uniform and user-friendly interface to access the information available on the Internet [1]. The WWW can be divided into three parts: Surface Web, Deep Web, and Dark Web. The Surface Web is the visible and accessible part of the WWW, and its contents are indexed by search engines such as Google (, accessed on 27 March 2023), Yahoo (, accessed on 27 March 2023), Bing (, accessed on 27 March 2023), etc. The Surface Web only comprises a small percentage (∼4%) of the WWW. The remainder belongs to the Deep Web, which is the unindexed part inaccessible by search engines [2,3]. Unindexed does not always mean illegal, but it is protected as it is intended for specific users and purposes. Some common examples in our day-to-day usage of the Deep Web are Internet banking, email mailboxes, government databases, medical records, etc. The Dark Web (also called the DarkNet) is a subset and the deepest layer of the Deep Web and is accessible only illegally. The Dark Web is accessed by special software that ensures high encryption anonymity, such as The Onion Router (TOR) browser [4,5]. The Dark Web is manifested in several ways [6,7,8,9,10,11,12], such as having DarkNet marketplaces (DNMs) for illegal contraband, terrorism, spreading propaganda and hatred, human trafficking, hiring and recruiting anti-social elements, leaking government data, untraceable financial transactions, weapons, etc. [13]. A few examples include Agora (, accessed on 27 March 2023), Silkroad [14] 2.0 (, accessed on 27 March 2023), and Alphabay (, accessed on 27 March 2023); these are among the most popular and well-known DNMs belonging to the Dark Web [15].
According to the recent “Digital Defense Report” (, accessed on 27 March 2023) by Microsoft, the Dark Web has become a hub to sell and purchase cybercrime-related services, and an amateur with no technical knowledge or prior experience to conduct a cybercrime attack can also buy a range of services with just one click. As shown in Figure 1, which shows average prices, activities include hiring attackers, hiring for spearphishing, stealing user credentials, performing denial-of-service attacks, and other services. As evident from the figure, these services in the dark markets are inexpensive, making attacks cheap and easy to execute, and as a consequence, attack numbers increase sharply.
Anonymous services such as Tor, Freenet, I2P, and JonDonym are frequently used to access the materials and services offered by the DarkNet [16]. The Dark Web provides a venue for collaboration, communication, and diverse acts through its forums. Identifying the activities happening on the Dark Web in order to prevent them is very challenging due to the anonymity of this platform and the intractability provided to users [17], and manually analyzing this content is resource intensive and unproductive. A viable approach in this direction is to extract the content of the Dark Web for analysis, followed by identifying research gaps and implementing scalable state-of-the-art machine learning (ML)-based approaches that can help with analysis, identification, and categorization of the content as activity, items, tools, etc. This would enable law enforcement agencies to take preventive measures to enforce the law. The proposition can provide answers to questions such as:
  • Are the activities on the DarkNet a potential indicator of possible cybercrimes? If so, what are the target domains and people at risk?
  • What stolen/breached information is there, and what is the aftermath?
  • Which preventive measures can be taken to minimize the losses?
While there are several DarkNet datasets available from 2011 to 2019 [18], including Silk Road 1.0, Silk Road 2.0, Sheep, Black Rank, Pandora, Agora, Blue Sky, Dream, Evolution, Middle Earth, Wall Street, Hydra, Silk Road 3.1, Olympus, Appolon, and Alphabet Marketplace, Agora and SilkRoad 1.0 are the most extensive datasets to date in terms of the number of data points and vast categories. The attributes available in the Agora marketplace dataset are helpful for information retrieval regarding cybercrime-based category identification, which aligns with our research goals. Therefore, in this work, we take into account the Agora DarkNet Market Archives (2013–2015) (, accessed on 27 March 2023) as a source to access the content of the Dark Web. The archive can help with the following suggested uses:
Several existing works in the literature have uncovered the uses of this archive, such as drug trafficking [19,22,25,26,27,28], author verification [29], cryptocurrency and Bitcoin transaction-related analysis [30,31,32,33], malware analysis [34], vendor identification [19,20,35,36,37], social media analysis [38,39,40], and identifying services provided by DarkNet markets [41,42,43,44,45]. However, very little to no work has been done to determine prospective cybercrime by classifying the contents of Dark Web forums. Thus, to bridge this gap, our research focuses on identifying cybercrime-related activities based on various inputs, such as account stealing, data theft, financial fraud, hacking, software piracy, etc., of the Agora dataset. Thus, we draw research motivation from these pertaining factors to investigate the information on Dark Web forums to gather intelligence. This research provides an extensively intelligent analysis of the DNM dataset by combining the attributes’ context, developing a set of keywords, and using natural language processing (NLP) approaches. The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
  • We performed the annotation to label the data for creating the ground-truth labels for the large Agora Dark Web dataset.
  • We applied heuristic approaches to finally select the preprocessing strategies suitable and useful for our experimental dataset.
  • Based on our annotation, we modeled a novel multiclass classification problem to identify activities (cybercrime) on Dark Web forums.
  • We implemented several deep learning approaches (baseline and state-of-the-art) using pre-trained word-embedding representations.
  • Finally, we provide an in-depth discussion of the experimental outcome and present our key findings of this research work.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the literature background of the works related to Dark Web forums. Section 3 mentions the problem statement and provides details of the dataset and preprocessing strategies used for the experiments. Section 4 presents the architecture of the employed pipeline and sums up the total experiments performed. Section 5 presents the experimental outcomes and provides a discussion of the results. Finally, Section 6 presents the concluding remarks and the future research direction.

2. Literature Review

The criminal activities on DNMs caught the general public’s attention in October 2013 when the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), USA, closed down the marketplace Silk Road [46]. However, Silk Route 2.0 emerged a month later and closed again in 2014. The problem is not only the Dark Web but the social platforms that provide opportunities to hype the Dark Web, such as Reddit and discussion forums containing links to Dark Web websites [47,48]. Some notable works have thoroughly analyzed Dark Web forums to analyze the most frequent activities and products in marketplaces [49,50]. Since Agora DNM is a comprehensive dataset, several crucial works have grounded their research on this dataset to analyze Dark Web forums.
For instance, Ref. [50] presents an unsupervised model to monitor and categorize Dark Web forums using decision trees and clustering algorithms, making it adaptable to new and evolving forums without needing labeled training data. This two-step approach model applies topic modeling algorithms. The model classifies the forums into different categories by analyzing the extracted topics after web crawling. Finally, based on extracted topics, the proposed model classifies the forums into different categories, enabling researchers and law enforcement agencies to gain insights into the nature of the forums and the activities taking place within them.
The research in [41] highlights the inability of traditional user representation methods to capture the temporal content. The work also shows how recent works, mainly using CNN-based models, fail to handle the context and text length effectively. prices of cybercrime services for sale (source: “Microsoft Digital Defense Report”). To address these problems, the work proposed a model named URM4DMU that uses self-attention with an adaptive gate mechanism to improve post representation using temporal content.
The work [27] presents the DreamDrug dataset, a comprehensive and crowdsourced resource for training and evaluating Named Entity Recognition models to detect drugs in DarkNet markets. The dataset enables researchers and developers to develop more effective tools and techniques for monitoring illegal drug activities on online platforms, contributing to the broader goal of combating drug trafficking and ensuring public safety.
The work [29] highlights the limitations of works using literary texts and authorship analysis tools for cybercrime prevention. This work released VeriDark, a benchmark comprised of one authorship-identification dataset and three large-scale authorship-verification datasets to address these issues and provide competitive NLP baselines on these datasets.
In [28], a system named dSytle-GAN is introduced that considers both style-aware and content-based information to automate drug identification in DNMs. The work is focused on distinguishing the similarity between given pairs of drugs based on an attributed heterogeneous information network (AHIN) and a generative adversarial network (GAN). The authors claim that, unlike existing approaches, their proposed GAN-based model jointly considers the heterogeneity of the network and relatedness of drugs formulated by domain-specific meta-paths for robust node (i.e., drug) representation learning.
The research in DNM analysis is constantly evolving, and in general, researchers use several NLP tools and techniques. For instance, topic modeling has been very effective for such analysis [51,52,53] to infer information about drugs [12,21,22,23,24,27], extremists, terror activities, and resources. The work in [54] focuses on modeling topics related to homeland security threats and proposes combining traditional network analysis methods with topic-model-based text-mining techniques. The experiments of this work are performed using an English-language-based Dark Web portal (IslamicAwakening (, accessed on 27 March 2023)). The work in [55] emphasized the importance of Dark Web analysis in counter-terrorism (CT) to identify the various websites used as sources for spreading propaganda and ideologies and recruiting new members. The work proposed a Dark Web analysis model to anticipate possible terror threats/activities to prevent terrorist attacks through analyzing Dark Web forums for CT. Another work [56] implemented a dynamic-systems approach for unsupervised anomaly detection to identify evolving threats in unlabeled and time-dependent datasets. The proposed method used finite-time Lyapunov exponents to characterize the time evolution of the distribution of text attributes in the forum content and the directed network structure. The works in [51,53] proposed a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm-based approach to analyze documents/corpus and discover the latent topics from websites of terrorists/extremists.
This situation has drawn interest in Dark Web-related research in monitoring and extracting information for cyber-threat intelligence [57,58] (CTI) through Dark Web forum analysis [59]. The current works take into account the relationship between suppliers and users and transaction statistic discoveries [60], developing automated approaches for discovering evidence of potential threats within hacker forums to aid in cyber-threat detection [61] and data-driven security game frameworks to model attackers and provide policy recommendations to the defender [62]. The study [63,64] discussed various strategies for monitoring the hidden areas of the Internet and suggested monitoring the DarkNet to find possible dangerous threats and activities [65,66]. Furthermore, tracking the hackers based on their illicit activities can lead to much crucial information [67,68]. Machine learning (ML) is extensively used to analyze Dark Web forums, and different approaches are used to extract the retrieved information. For instance, Refs. [69,70,71] are focused on malware detection in DNMs traffic.
Identifying Jihadist community groups and decoding their messages and communication is also prevalent among researchers. The article [72] presents a general framework (web-based knowledge that incorporates data collected from different international Jihadist forums). The work provides several analysis functions, such as forum browsing and searching, multilingual translation of forums, statistical analysis, and visualization of social networks. The work [73] considers extremist social media websites to introduce methods for identifying recruitment activities in violent groups. The work used data from the Western jihadist website Ansar al-Jihad Network that had been compiled by the University of Arizona’s Dark Web project. Manual annotation was carried out on a sample of these data, engaging multiple judges who marked 192 randomly sampled posts as recruiting (Yes) or non-recruiting (No). The authors claim it to be the first result reported on such a task. Ref. [74] presents an automated method for sentiment and affects analysis incorporating ML and rich textual feature representation techniques to identify and measure the sentiment polarities and affect intensities expressed on Al-Firdaws (, accessed on 27 March 2023) and Montada (, accessed on 27 March 2023 ) Dark Web forums. The work in [75] applied semiautomated methodologies to capture and organize domestic extremist website data of the USA to track and gather information from US radical online forums using human experts. The work used a three-step approach: forum identification, collection and parsing, and analysis.
This section shows that the Agora DNM is used for several information extractions works, but no work has been done specifically to identify cybercrimes. Therefore, the novelty of our work lies in the tailored annotation of cybercrime identification to facilitate law enforcement agencies to better interpret the context of conversations in DarkNet markets and cybercrime.

3. Dataset, Preprocessing, and Problem Formulation

This section explains the experimental dataset used, the preprocessing strategies applied to prepare the input data, and the problem statement modeled for this research work.

3.1. Dataset Description

We used the Agora (, accessed on 27 March 2023) DarkNet dataset for this research work. The Agora DarkNet raw dataset is a data parse of marketplaces extracted from the DarkNet Market Archives [76], (a dark/deep web) marketplace from 2014 to 2015. The raw dataset contains items such as weapons, drugs, services, etc. A sample of the dataset is shown in Figure 2. The raw dataset has 109,692 data points and 9 attributes, which are briefly mentioned below:
  • Vendor: The items of this attribute are related to vendors, types of vendors, etc. There are 3192 distinct items listed in this attribute, and the distribution of the top 40 items is shown in Figure 3.
  • Category: This attribute contains where the marketplace items are listed. There are a total of 109 specific items listed in the raw dataset.
  • Item: This attribute contains the title of the listed items.
  • Description: This attribute contains the description of the items.
  • Price: This attribute contains the cost of the items. The cost is averaged for duplicate listings between 2014 and 2015)
  • Origin: This attribute contains the place of origin from where the item is shipped. Several data points in this attribute are empty or missing.
  • Destination: This attribute contains the place where the item is to be shipped (blank means no information was provided, but most likely worldwide.) Several data points in this attribute are also empty or missing.
  • Rating: This attribute contains the seller’s rating, typically on a scale of 5. A rating of “[0 deals]” or anything else indicates that the number of deals is too small for a rating to be displayed.
  • Remarks: This attribute contains remarks such as “[0 deals]” or “Average price may be skewed outlier >0.5 BTC found”. In this attribute also, several data points are empty or missing.
Figure 2. A sample text of the items and their description.
Figure 2. A sample text of the items and their description.
Information 14 00349 g002
The most frequent words of the textual data are shown in Figure 4 as a word cloud created by using the Python library (, accessed on 27 March 2023) to show the kind of activity engagements and related materials.

3.2. Dataset Preprocessing

As mentioned in the dataset description, several attributes of the raw dataset have missing values and contain outliers, redundancies, duplicate values, special characters, and symbols. In addition, the raw dataset is highly imbalanced; therefore, we paid particular attention to implementing optimal pre-processing strategies to interpret special characters/symbols better and to meticulously remove outliers and redundant data without losing the context of the item description [77,78,79,80,81,82]. The key pre-processing techniques implemented to pre-process the dataset are as below:
  • The entire text is converted to lowercase to make the dataset uniform in terms of representation (e.g., “Category” and “category” are represented by a common token: “category”).
  • Punctuation is removed since it does not add valuable semantic information to the text.
  • We removed stopwords for the above-mentioned reason.
  • We removed newlines, whitespaces, and extra spaces from the text.
  • We removed the special characters, symbols, and elements that are not part of standard English language.
  • We performed stemming and lemmatization alternatively to observe the impact of classification models.
  • Finally, we tokenized the text data to get words/tokens.
  • We removed the blank and outlier values of the attribute “category”.
After applying the above-mentioned pre-processing strategies, the processed dataset contained a total of 109,684 data points and 104 Category items. The distribution of the Category items is mentioned in Table 1.

3.3. Problem Formulation

The primary objective of this work is to identify cybercrimes based on the context and item description of criminal actives of the Agora dataset. To do so, we analyzed the Agora dataset, and we modeled a novel problem statement of identifying the Category of the items by taking into account the description of the category items and their title. Since our objective is to identify the activities of the Dark Web, they essentially fall into three categories:
  • The activities are clearly indicative of “Cybercrime”.
  • The activities are clearly indicative of “Not Cybercrime”.
  • It is difficult to say if the activity is explicitly Cybercrime “Can’t say if cybercrime”.
Categorizing the dataset is a daunting task for the given form and data type. The reason is that most of the data points’ attributes (item and item description) are not explicitly clear or indicative of the categories mentioned above. Therefore, first, we analyzed the data at a very fine-grained level, considering all the attributes to infer information that could help identify the related classes of the data points. After that, from the types of existing cybercrimes, we finalized the set of keywords representative of the Agora dataset. Finally, we executed the annotation using this handcrafted list of cybercrimes to categorize the input dataset, taking into account attributes, items, and item descriptions. We took references from large-scale annotations for generating the Anno-MI dataset [83,84,85,86] for designing our semi-automatic annotation scheme. The list was used to annotate the attribute Category into three labels: “Not Cybercrime” (0), “Cybercrime” (1), and “Can’t say if Cybercrime” (2). The post-annotation human evaluation involved meticulous verification and validation of all the labels. Due to the inherent complexity of accurately inferring crime-related information using NLP techniques, the large size of the experimental dataset, and the cost of annotation, we opted for a combination of manual and automated annotation to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the labeling process. The final distribution of the post-annotation input dataset is shown in Figure 5, and the 104 categories are shown in Table 2.
Posts assigning the target classes (annotation) to the attribute “Category” and the attributes “Item” and “Item description” are concatenated to generate the final text, which is further used to generate feature vectors. The overall distribution of target class Cybercrime listed crimes is shown in Figure 6. In this target class, the major stack is dedicated to Services/money, i.e., the use of the Dark Web platform to hire different cybercrime-related services in exchange for money. Other important categories are related to accounts, electronics, piracy, hacking, and software (crack).
The overall distribution of target class Can’t say if cybercrime is shown in Figure 7.
Hence, to sum up, in this research work, we tackle the problem statement of identifying Dark Web activities as a multiclass classification problem where the target labels are Not Cybercrime (0), Cybercrime (1), and Can’t say if cybercrime (2).

4. Materials and Methods

In this section, we provide the details of computational resources used, the architecture of the employed classification model, and experiments performed.

4.1. Resource Description

The computational resource used for this work is mentioned in Table 3.

4.2. Architecture of Classification Models

For our research, we employed four DL-based classification models to perform the multiclass classification problem for analyzing Dark Web forum data. The end-to-end pipeline of the employed approaches is presented in Figure 8.
The architecture comprises several blocks that perform the different stages, namely data preprocessing, data normalization, feature engineering, classification model training, and model inference. These steps are presented in a simplified manner below:
  • First, the raw dataset is cleaned.
  • Then, annotation of the dataset is executed.
  • Post-annotation, the dataset is normalized, which essentially executes the preprocessing steps.
  • Then, the tokenized dataset is integer encoded.
  • Post encoding, the embedding matrix is generated.
  • The embedding matrix and encoded text are used to train the classification models.
  • As a last step, the prediction is done on the test dataset.
DL-based approaches are the current state-of-the-art and are very effective in capturing the context and subtle nuances of a domain if they are provided with sufficient training data. Further, benchmarking results obtained by recent research work [27,29,50] for DNM analysis proves the efficiency of DL approaches. Therefore, we took motivation from existing crucial work and used four DL classification models based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) [87,88], Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) [89,90], Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [91,92], and the Transformers architecture [93]. The RNN, CNN, and LSTM models used GloVe [94] pre-trained embeddings to generate the embedding matrix. The Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) (, accessed on 27 March 2023) model used BERT embeddings (, accessed on 27 March 2023) generated by the BERT Tokenizer (, accessed on 27 March 2023). For all our experiments, we used early stopping, training, and test sets in a ratio of 4:1 (80% and 20%), and the validation split percentage was set to 20.

5. Results and Discussion

We measured the performance of employed DL classification models by the metrics accuracy, precision, recall, and F-1 score. The formulas to calculate accuracy, precision, recall, and F-1 score are as follows:
A c c u r a c y = T P + T N T P + T N + F P + F N
P r e c i s i o n = T P T P + F P
R e c a l l = T P T P + F N
F 1 = 2 × P r e c i s i o n × R e c a l l P r e c i s i o n + R e c a l l
where TP, FP, TN, and FN represent true positive, false positive, true negative, and false negative, respectively. The results obtained from the experiments with the classification models are summed up in Table 4. CNN has proven its efficacy in several ML downstream tasks, especially in the computer vision domain. Given the nature of our experimental dataset, the lowest performance of CNN, with 73% overall accuracy, is somewhat expected. RNN scored an accuracy of 88%, which is justified by the fact that LSTM and BERT are more advanced networks. LSTM and BERT significantly outperformed the previous two models and attained an accuracy of 96%. Further, given that the input data are heavily unbalanced, the performance of LSTM and BERT with each class is consistent, which is not always the case. To further analyze the results of the employed DL models with each target class, we present the confusion matrices [95] of each of the four models in Figure 9. The matrices clearly show the lower misclassification rate of LSTM and BERT compared to RNN and CNN-based DL models. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) [96,97] curves for the four models are shown in Figure 10. ROC curves indicate the true positive rate (TPR) against the false positive rate (FPR) correlation; the higher the area under the curve (AUC), the better the classifier is. As evident from the plot, the Transformer model showed the best results with 0.99 AUC for each of the three classes, followed by LSTM. Thus, our results show that the sophisticated DL models can better understand the peculiarities of domain and context, which leads to more reliable prediction for unstructured data such as ours.

6. Conclusions and Future Work

The Dark Web is a platform that is a budding ground for criminals and criminally motivated people as it provides an untraceable and convenient way to carry out a wide range of illegal activities. The anonymity of this platform also boosts users’ confidence to indulge more in such criminal practices, because in the back of their minds, the criminals have an idea of being safe from law enforcement agencies. Therefore, to prevent any threat to a person/country, it is imperative to thoroughly inspect all aspects of information gathering, exchange, and interactions over different sources of the Dark Web. This will help law enforcement agencies to monitor and track suspicious persons and activities constantly.
To this end, we apply a semi-automated annotation scheme that enables us to identify if activities are directly or remotely related to cybercrimes and to provide contextual cues for classification models to determine the Category items for analysis of DNM data. Our observation based on experiments is that context is essential, and the annotation has to consider all the attributes to infer the peculiar and subtle information indicative of the target. Our tailored and hand-picked preprocessing strategies have been beneficial in modeling the raw dataset that ultimately contributed to obtaining optimal performances of employed DL models. The highest accuracy of 96% validates our opted annotation method, which is cost-effective and less resource-demanding. Therefore, the significant contribution of our work is that our results can pave the path for further research and serve as baselines. Other researchers can benefit from the semi-automated annotation method to analyze other DNM datasets for identifying cybercrime.
A minor limitation of such a dataset is that unsupervised approaches (such as clustering) cannot be seen as an alternative to human annotation since the dataset has vague and incomplete item information, resulting in large clusters. Therefore, in future work, we aim to adopt a more human-expert-based annotation scheme to develop a comprehensive Dark Web dataset using expert annotators and crowdsourcing (Amazon M-Turk (, accessed on 27 March 2023 )). The mentioned annotation is proposed to reduce the items belonging to the target class Can’t say if cybercrime and to also provide subcategories for cybercrime. We did not use this human-expert-based annotation scheme because the Agora dataset is large, which would demand resources, time, and expense. Another future goal is to analyze other existing DNMs for extracting useful data related to cybercrimes to create a larger dataset and knowledge graphs to address the domain adaptation challenges and improve DL model performance. Finally, we aim to inspect the fairness of employed models to field test them for real-world scenarios.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, K.S.S., A.S., H.M.P. and V.K.; methodology, K.S.S., A.S., H.M.P. and V.K.; software, K.S.S., A.S., H.M.P. and V.K.; formal analysis, K.S.S., A.S., H.M.P. and V.K.; investigation, K.S.S., A.S. and V.K.; resources, K.S.S., A.S., H.M.P. and V.K.; data curation, K.S.S., A.S. and V.K.; writing—original draft preparation, K.S.S., A.S., H.M.P. and V.K.; writing—review and editing, V.K.; visualization, K.S.S., A.S. and V.K.; supervision, A.S., H.M.P. and V.K.; project administration, A.S. and V.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not Applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not Applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The raw Agora dataset is available for download at (, accessed on 27 March 2023), and the potential original source of the data can be accessed at (, accessed on 27 March 2023).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
AIArtificial Intelligence
DLDeep Learning
NLPNatural Language Processing
CTICyber-Threat Intelligence
TORThe Onion Router
WWWWorld Wide Web
CNNConvolution Neural Network
LSTMLong Short-Term Memory
BERTBidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers
GANGenerative Adversarial Network


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Figure 1. Average prices of cybercrime services for sale (source: “Microsoft Digital Defense Report”).
Figure 1. Average prices of cybercrime services for sale (source: “Microsoft Digital Defense Report”).
Information 14 00349 g001
Figure 3. The distribution of top 40 items under Vendor of the Agora dataset.
Figure 3. The distribution of top 40 items under Vendor of the Agora dataset.
Information 14 00349 g003
Figure 4. Word cloud presenting the most frequent items of the dataset.
Figure 4. Word cloud presenting the most frequent items of the dataset.
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Figure 5. Distribution of the annotated dataset representing each target class.
Figure 5. Distribution of the annotated dataset representing each target class.
Information 14 00349 g005
Figure 6. Distribution of target class “Cybercrime” items.
Figure 6. Distribution of target class “Cybercrime” items.
Information 14 00349 g006
Figure 7. Distribution of target class “Can’t say if cybercrime” items.
Figure 7. Distribution of target class “Can’t say if cybercrime” items.
Information 14 00349 g007
Figure 8. The pipeline employed to perform the classification incorporates the stages (a) data preprocessing, (b) feature engineering, (c) model training, and (d) model inference.
Figure 8. The pipeline employed to perform the classification incorporates the stages (a) data preprocessing, (b) feature engineering, (c) model training, and (d) model inference.
Information 14 00349 g008
Figure 9. The confusion matrices of (a) CNN, (b) RNN, (c) LSTM, and (d) BERT for multiclass classification.
Figure 9. The confusion matrices of (a) CNN, (b) RNN, (c) LSTM, and (d) BERT for multiclass classification.
Information 14 00349 g009
Figure 10. The AUC ROC curves of (a) CNN, (b) RNN, (c) LSTM, and (d) BERT for multiclass classification.
Figure 10. The AUC ROC curves of (a) CNN, (b) RNN, (c) LSTM, and (d) BERT for multiclass classification.
Information 14 00349 g010
Table 1. The overall distribution of category items across the Agora dataset.
Table 1. The overall distribution of category items across the Agora dataset.
Sr. No.Category (Items)CountSr. No.Category (Items)Counts
3Drugs/Ecstasy/MDMA611655Drugs/Weight loss252
9Drugs/Cannabis/Hash324161Drug paraphernalia/Pipes195
11Drugs/Stimulants/Meth246763Drug paraphernalia/Containers186
13Drugs/RCs218265Drug paraphernalia/Stashes149
20Drugs/Opioids123672Drug paraphernalia/Grinders106
32Drugs/Psychedelics/DMT72384Drug paraphernalia/Paper61
34Drugs/Opioids/Other64386Weapons/Non-lethal firearms57
36Forgeries/Physical documents61688Drug paraphernalia/Scales47
37Electronics59989Drug paraphernalia/Injecting
43Drugs/Dissociatives/MXE40895Drug paraphernalia/Injecting
47Data/Software35699Drug paraphernalia/Injecting
48Weapons/Lethal firearms344100Weapons/Fireworks14
51Info/eBooks/Making money313103Drug paraphernalia/Injecting
Table 2. Targets assigned to different categories.
Table 2. Targets assigned to different categories.
1Cybercrime Services/Hacking
2Can’t say if cybercrimeServices/Other
Forgeries/Physical documents
Info/eBooks/Making money
0Not cybercrimeRest of the categories
Table 3. Resource specification.
Table 3. Resource specification.
CPUAMD Radeon (TM) Graphics
CUDACUDA 11.7 + CuDNN8.4.1.50
OSWindows 11
PythonVersion 3.10
TensorFlowVersion 2.10.1
Table 4. Classification results of employed DL models.
Table 4. Classification results of employed DL models.
ModelTarget Class PrecisionRecallF1-ScoreAccuracy
CNNCan’t Say0.170.850.280.73
Not Cybercrime0.990.730.84
RNNCan’t Say0.370.70.480.88
Not Cybercrime0.990.890.94
LSTMCan’t Say0.640.790.710.96
Not Cybercrime10.970.98
BERTCan’t Say0.650.860.740.96
Not Cybercrime0.990.980.99
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sangher, K.S.; Singh, A.; Pandey, H.M.; Kumar, V. Towards Safe Cyber Practices: Developing a Proactive Cyber-Threat Intelligence System for Dark Web Forum Content by Identifying Cybercrimes. Information 2023, 14, 349.

AMA Style

Sangher KS, Singh A, Pandey HM, Kumar V. Towards Safe Cyber Practices: Developing a Proactive Cyber-Threat Intelligence System for Dark Web Forum Content by Identifying Cybercrimes. Information. 2023; 14(6):349.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sangher, Kanti Singh, Archana Singh, Hari Mohan Pandey, and Vivek Kumar. 2023. "Towards Safe Cyber Practices: Developing a Proactive Cyber-Threat Intelligence System for Dark Web Forum Content by Identifying Cybercrimes" Information 14, no. 6: 349.

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